I got it!!!
I did-today late in the afternoon, my kookie mailman comes late a lot of the time. He is lucky I didn't tackle him! Lol! Look how cute Martha decorated the package-sooo fun! Thank You Martha!!!
My granddaughter had to have the stickers and I carefully peeled them off for her-the little monkey. Except I did adorn my lap top with a piece of the darling tape. Please do go visit Martha on her fabulous blog http://missvandroo.typepad.com/miss_vandroo/ she is a very sweet gal! Oh I bet you are wondering about the magazine-aren't you? Of course you are! Well it is absolutely gorgeous! The pages of Artful Blogging are so nice and thick, the photos in this magazine are amazing!
Now I don't know if you girls are anything like me when I get one of my magazines in my hot little hands well... the world fades out around me...I get kind of in a silly trance and I look at each page one at a time so slowly and carefully taking it all in before I begin reading. I am one of those dorks that sometimes, not every time mind you, but sometimes I look from the back first-then I read from the front to back-sooo silly I know! You would think I found a missing artifact of some kind the way I look at my mags! And the fact that I actually won this one-how cool is that!?!?
It truly is a feast for the eyes and soul. I need a little time to completely read this sweet baby and then I shall choose some favorite articles to share with you- I wouldn't leave my Yakker's out of the loop-oh no! I will tell you right now -I am gonna love this magazine! It is so nice it is almost like a book! I would recommend you pick one up for yourselves or go to www.stampinton.com to subscribe. At the very least take a look at one the next time you are in a book store-you won't be
disappointed! I have to add this to Santa's list -and believe you me I definitely
HAVE been a very good girl this year...well...most of the time. Hehe!
Although I am only two months new to the blogging world I am loving it. I am very grateful for the sweet bloggy buddies I have made-you are all so wonderful and kind to me! Thank you for participating in my blog-I adore each and everyone of you and your great comments! I always look forward to checking my blog everyday!
I have been a busy girl sewing up some cute little dolls and their clothes-hopefully soon they will be ready for their premiere. Oh and of course on the weekends I have been working on my "big" project-it is coming along very nicely-I can't wait for you to see it. Hopefully I will be getting the finish on it very soon. I will have an official post for that! I also need to get started soon on a wool dress coat for my Emily Jean-her third birthday is coming quickly and not to mention Christmas-oh I have sooo much to do and so little time! But I am going to take a tiny break and read my new beautiful magazine.
So toodles for now...I will be back soon with a new post!
MUch GrOOvy BloGGy LoVe to You All! ~Tam :P