You want to know why I feel sooo cool? because my dear bloggy buddy Valerie over at http://valeriegail.blogspot.com/ Game me this SuPeR CooL Award! Thank you Valerie-you awesome girl you! She was so cute because this was her first blog award and I remember how excited I was when I got mine! I think Valerie's blog is pretty cool too! And now I will pass this sweet award onto some other very cool blogs-please give these wonderful blogs a visit. These are just some of the coolest ever blogs that have visited my blog and left wonderful comments and been such nice blogging buddy's! I would like to say thank you to all of you for your comments and support-mean so very much to me! So I am giving this bloggy award to each of you bloggy buddy's! I know it is not conventional-but oh well it is what I want to do.
I am having problems with my computer either that or my Internet-I don't know but my blog kept freezing or shutting down! I know-not good! Is anyone else having problems trying to post?But I have tried to enter and re-enter everyone over again. So please if you do visit me and comment forgive me for missing getting your name and blog in this post and consider yourself tagged as well! You all keep this girl smiling! May You and Your Sweet Families have a Safe Wonderfully Memorable, Magical Holiday Season! Much Love~Tam :D
Angelia... http://cottagemagpie.com/