L@@K What I won from Martha over at http://missvandroo.typepad.com/miss_vandroo/
***WoW*** I am sooo excited it is my very first give away win and her first give away-How cool is that!?!?! I didn't even know this way cool magazine existed until I saw it on her blog-where have I been? I have a confession to make...I am a magazine addict! Ha! I know what a terrible thing to have-but I really love magazines! And I have been having a blast blogging so what more can a girl ask for then a magazine about blogging! I can hardly wait to get it! Well you all need to go on over to Martha's blog and give her a visit -she has a very nice, fun, cute blog!
Thank You Martha I am doing the most ridicules happy dance while I sing and shout right now! My dog and cats think I'm crazy-my kids and husband already know I am-LoL! Have you ever seen so many !!! In a post before? Nope I bet not-I am a happy giddy girl today-one of the side affects of being me! *Thank You *Thank You *Thank You *Martha-You are so awesome!