I got this cute award from Lisa at http://cranberryflats.blogspot.com/ Go on over to her cute blog and say hello! She has fast been becoming one of my favorite new blogger friends!
Thanks Lisa!!! Well here is the name of the game for this one. I need to list five things I always wanted to do. HHHMMMM I'm thinkin... aaa thinkin a lil more........ok I've got it!
1. Write a book-I think? Pretty sure-yea I do!
2. Travel around the US and afar like Germany, and Ireland to name a couple. I am afraid to fly though-I do it when I have to. But if I am ever going to get to do this one I better get over that huh! LOL!
3. See Led Zepplin in concert-(so get it together Robert Plant!) They were my favorite band as a teen oh and they still are. And this rock and roll girl has seen a lot of bands but the Hammer of the Gods I missed-unbelievable I know!
4. Learn to read music again-I forgot how! Crazy yes!
5. Build my forever self sufficient solar powered dream house on some acreage with a view of the coast! Yea baby! Hey it could happen!
Now keep in mind that is only five of the things I want to do! This girl has so much more!!!
It was fun thinking about that question!
I will be soon contacting three of my blogger friends to pass this fine award on to!
Ok here are my blogger friends that I am passing this fun award on to-and hard as I tried I just couldn't choose only three! These gals all have some wonderful blogs-go have a l@@k... And thanks for being such great friends bloggy buddies!
Lynette @ http://lynetteslam.blogspot.com/
Cheryl @ http://blueberrybuttons2008.blogspot.com/
Girls if you read this post you know how to play the game-have fun! I'm looking forward to see how you answer the question!